Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why blog when you have facebook?

Ok- after taking a bit of a leave of absence, I am back. Hopefully... I haven't been the best blogger lately and I blame this totally on facebook. Why blog when you can facebook?

But I have come to realize that sometimes I have more to say then one-liners on facebook. So here I am.

As I type this my almost, not quite yet 4 year old is crawling all over me saying "I hungry, I want someting helfy mama, I want someting helfy,
hey mama, what should I have, you haffa sink what I eat mama." Now how would I be able to communicate THAT on facebook? By the way, he decided on his marshmallow cereal, since we don't have any real big marshmallows for his consumption. I guess his definition of "healthy" includes marshmallows!

This morning some of the Moms from my church gathered at a park in Bellevue, which, on most days would have been considered a very
pretty park. But today... well... today was rainy. But did that stop us? Oh no, it did not! The kids played in the rain, and eventually the moms were lured out from under the shelter to keep a closer eye on the kiddos. Miles (my nearly 4 year old, sniff sniff) said it was ok that it was raining.After all, he did have a hood that he could wear to keep his hair nice and dry. The child complains about the sunshine, but finds comfort in the rain. A true Seattle boy, that there one. I should note as well that one of his first words WAS Starbucks, and shortly thereafter, it was latte. And please don't freak, but he gets a "latte" every morning. Ok- really it's a steamer. But if were to ask him, it would be a latte.

I'm not sure
how I got on that tangent. But I did. Cause that's how my mind works. The end.

Well... Miles turns 4 on September 4th, which is 51 days away, but whose counting anyways! (YIKES!) His newest cool trick is that he can drop in on the skate park ramp, and he even "hit" the wall, which is a fancy way to say that he went up on that curved wall thingy. I wonder if he's going to be a cool BMX, extreme bike rider dude. He sure does seem to LOVE the ramps, going fast, and being daring.

And then there is my little man Maxwell- who isn't really ALL that little. He just turned 1 year old on June 17th. He is a snuggler, and kind of loud. You should just ask the people on the
airplane the other week...I should have had them rate his loudness. He is a screamer for sure! Which is super weird, because when he was first born, all he would is do squeak... like a little mouse.

I do believe that is all I will share for today. Until next time!

1 comment:

Twila said...

That's my girl! The one who wrote volumes of journals by the time she was in 10th grade. Keep it up, Peanut. One day you'll write a book.