Monday, July 18, 2011

The Boys Blankets

My multi-talented and amazing Mom, makes the kiddos blankets when they are born, and I absolutely adore them! Maxwell got his when he was around 5 months old. Up until that point he was using Miles' blanket because it fit so nicely into the crib. But today... 1 day after Max turns 13 months old, I am officially giving him HIS very own blanket! He has seemed somewhat attached to Miles' blanket... so hopefully the love, and warmth that he feels when sleeping under, or on top of Miles blanket, will convert over to his own blanket. Maxwell's blanket is the one with bold colors, and cars/trucks/raceway related. Miles' blanket fit our nursery theme of jungle animals.It has more "natural" colors and animals in the middle. I love love love them both so incredibly much. :) Miles' blanket will be put away for now. And some day when we pull it out again we will reminisce about how little, and amazing Miles was. Our dear firstborn son! And we will do the same with Maxwell when the times comes to put his baby blanket in the closet. Who knows... maybe one of these days my own little boys will have little boys of their own, who will be wrapped and loved on in these very same blankets. Oh- and the best news of all is that this is not the LAST we will see of blankets from my Mom- who my children affectionately call "Mhops." She plans to make them more blankets... I think the next one comes when they turn 12? Something like that. Maybe 10. Anyhow, and at any rate; I am so thankful to have these blankets and will cherish them forever.

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