Sunday, July 17, 2011

DIY Projects

There are lots of projects that I have in mind for the next few months that I would really love to accomplish!

#1: Here is the first inspiration! I will probably do colored photos, and I may use a colored frame. But I am not 100% sure about that. This project is still in the works in my head.

#2: This looks like it would be easy and cute to make!

#3: I want to learn how to knit. Hopefully in the next couple months I will learn the basics so I can start working on projects like these slippers. :)

#4: I have no great place for my jewelry. I don't have a spare drawer around, so I'm going to keep my eye out at thrift stores and yardsales!

#5: Another thing I don't have "lying around the house." So, once I find an old window I can use, I will be all over it!

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