Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Randomness

This week has been very busy for our family! Our church had their annual Kids Summer Adventure this week. My boys are both too young to attend so I was able to babysit for the Moms who are helping out at KSA who had children who were too young to attend as well. I had one helper each day- and we were able to stay at my friend Shannon's house, so we felt like we had plenty of space!

I managed to drink WAY too much coffee while there. It wasn't so much that I was watching more children then I am used to. I think the need to caffeinate myself through out the day stemmed from not being in routine. I know that I do well on routine, and so do my boys. But I also consider myself a fairly flexible person. So this came as a little bit of a shock to me. I longed for Friday (today) so much so that I could wake up, stay at home and hang out with my boys. It's really good for the boys too. It seems like we are all taking a big breath, a sigh of relief, as we stay at home and do what we always do. (Wake up, play for a bit as we get dressed, eat breakfast while listening to Kids Worship. The boys continue playing after breakfast as I do the dishes and keep laundry going, Maxwell goes down for his nap while Miles gets his 1 hour of TV time, and I get my 1 hour of Me time. Max wakes up and we play, or go for a walk. We eat lunch. We play some more. Max gets his second nap, Miles gets quiet time and I get cleaning time or me time again. Miles & I read some stories and or do a craft together. Max wakes up and we have an afternoon snack, play time, daddy comes home and we have dinner, then a family walk or daddy play time with the boys. A night night snack, then to bed for the boys. Keith & I have some down time. End of day.) You can bet that MOST days, that is how it happens. With the occasional Lunch at the pool or something like that. :)

One other thing that is blog worthy... I was given instructions by my physical therapist that I am allowed to start interval running again! (OUTSIDE TOO!) I did my first 15 minute interval run on Wednesday and it went really well! My hip was sore and tight that evening and yesterday morning. But as the day went on it got better, and today it feels just fine! Tonight after Keith gets home I get to do my second interval run since my injury. I am very excited to get back out there! I am even considering a 5K in early September. But I really have to see what August holds for me before paying to do that! :)

Anyhow... below are a few random photos for the past week!

Keith and Miles playing around before bed time!

My handsome little "turtle man." He is teething and this is the face he does when he's drooling a lot!

Miles beautiful curls! I love them!

Miles getting ready for a bike ride around the complex!

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