Tuesday, August 2, 2011

DIY Projects

I have been feeling rather crafty lately. I want to re-do my entire house with fun DIY projects. Thankfully, Keith is on board with all my whims. :) He found 3 pallets that I get to do something with. Were thinking we will do a headboard for our bed. There is also a shelving idea that uses pallets that I would love to use in the kitchen as well. We shall see.

In the meantime I have been working on some smaller projects.

I made a dry erase board out of an old frame that we had around the house. It's hanging on the boys bedroom door, and I intend to write them little notes. Maybe some day we will have a bigger house and the boys will have seperate rooms, and in that case I will make another one!

I also made some "posters" of sorts that has the boys birth stats on it. They turned out pretty sweet!

And my favorite project to date are these paper stars that I made. Here is my favorite one.

I also managed to make a friend a card.

I am in the middle of another project that includes a rather large picture frame, twine, clothespins and photos. All I need are the clothespins and photos and I will be done! But my home project fund is quickly dwindling, so that may have to wait until September.

Tomorrow I will post a more personal post including some photos of the kiddos from the last week or so!

Have a wonderful evening!

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