Thursday, August 18, 2011

The many faces of Miles

This post is for Miles. (One photo features our friend Bekah) My silly man of many faces. He definitely keeps me laughing! He is a joy, a delight and incredibly fun to be around! He is so sweet and loving and caring. Today he told me that when he goes to school that he's going to miss me sooooo much. And I believe him. We both decided that we just love that we get to spend our whole day together. Thankfully I have 2 more years before he goes to school. I know those 2 years will go fast enough- so for today I will enjoy my day, and my sweet first born son.


Jen McCully said...

I must say, his expressions are THE best! I love that you have them all compiled here - you should definitely do a scrapbook page the same way if you haven't already!

Sara Mack said...

He looks so much like his daddy...