Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies

As I mentioned yesterday, I was embarking on a new cookie recipe! I made them. I enjoyed them. I ate a bunch of the cookie dough, I ate 3 cookies, I loved them. They weren't too sweet- the cream cheese really gave them this cakey texture so they were soft and lovely! The chocolate amount was PERFECT! Not too over powering or strong. I highly recommend baking these cookies when you get a chance!

Today I have a bunch of bananas that are turning. I don't know what happened, but my boys used to eat banana's like they are going out of style! But for some reason they haven't wanted them, and therefor I have been making a CRAZY amount of banana bread and muffins. This isn't such a bad thing... but the scale has been inching it's way up... slowly... so I need to lay off on the baked goods! So today, marks the last day that I am buying banana's or making banana everything. I am going to use all the bananas I have left. Unfortunately I do not have any brown sugar left in the pantry, and I am feeling too lazy to walk up to the store to buy some. (Hey- you try pushing a double stroller UP the hill to the grocery store. It's hard work!) Typically I make a brown sugar, cinnamon goodness to go in top of my banana muffins. Also known as a streusel topping. I will need to come up with a different strategy I suppose! Who needs all that extra sugar anyway!

YEAH! Eat it brown sugar!

CRAP! Just realized that I need more eggs too. Well, I guess I WILL be taking a walk to the grocery store after all. It's not a bad thing to get some exercise in right? Or to accidentally end up buying brown sugar too so I can have my streusel topping.

Oh how I love brown sugar. Sorry I told you to eat it earlier. I didn't mean it. I love you. You are my friend and you make everything taste so amazing and yummy.

I have a go to recipe that I use for Banana bread. It has become my favorite recipe to date. It's going to be tough getting me to move on to a different recipe. Maybe my friend Jen, as mentioned yesterday, will make one that will up the anty on my banana bread. But until then... I will stand with you banana bread. You and I are like two peas in a pod. Go here if you want to give this recipe a try!

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