Friday, August 26, 2011


There's this little boy named Maxwell Koen who has kind of sort of stolen my heart. He is my son. He looks a lot like his daddy, and a lot like his older brother, Miles. But lately he has started to show who he is and who he isn't. For example: He is not one of those kids who will wonder off and explore unless he can see me. If he can see me, then he will check things out. But if he can't see me, then he will cry for me. He is one of those kids that would rather play with my phone and camera when outside, then chew on a stick. (Unlike his brother) He is also becoming much more expressive and is starting to communicate with us! The other day he signed to me "night night!" I was surprised and proud of him! Today he signed "night night" and then SAID "na na" right after words. This is all good and fun and makes me proud.

But it also makes me want to slow the freaken boat down and give me my baby back. It wasn't that long ago that he was just born was it?

14 1/2 months ago I held him in my arms for the first time. It seems like it was yesterday... and I would believe that it was yeterday except for the fact that he's 24 pounds 31 inches and learning how to walk.YIKES!!!! Did I just say he's figuring out how to walk??? Why yes.... yes I did. He is learning. Probably in the next couple weeks he will be walking around this house like he owns it. Ha! I would love for him to slow down a bit and be my baby forever. Well... somedays I want him to be my baby. Other days I want him to be 18. But most days I just want him to be my baby. I should have know that time would go fast like it has. Miles turns 4 years old in a couple weeks, and holy moly... that should have taught me a thing or two about how fast time goes. But yet I remain surprised that Max is moving out of baby-hood and into toddler-land. The land of getting into everything, lots of bumps and bruises, lots of laughing and fun. Lots of hugs and kisses, hand holding, and sweet new words.

Maxwell Koen you are my sunshine. I love you so much! I thank God for you every single day. You light up my life with your smile and charm.

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