Monday, August 22, 2011

My first button card!

On Saturday I made my first button card for my dear friend Jens birthday! Her birthday isn't until Saturday, but I couldn't resist giving her this card as soon as possible. I thought it turned out to be really cute, and I plan to make many, many, more of them!

Also, my friend Jen, as mentioned above has a blog which I kind of sort of stalk. She has amazing writing skills, and cooking skills. One of her recipes is for a peach cobbler. I have never made the peach cobbler, but I have substituted the peaches with freshly picked blackberries, blueberries and once with some apples that were starting to go bad. (Actually the true story behind the apples is that my husband was in a hurry when grocery shopping and picked up a bag of apples that were on their way out anyhow- so I had to use them in a hurry!) Anyhow- I used this recipe for them all! I am a BIG fan of the crust/breading whatever you wanna call it goodness, so I 1 1/2 times the recipe for the "cobbler" part and I also added a bit more sugar when cooking with the blackberries as they tend to be on the tart side. Here is a link to the recipe. You should definitely try it, it's AMAZING!

It's now time for me to get off the computer and try out a new recipe! I am making cream cheese chocolate chip cookies. I will post how they turned out and a link when I am done!

Peace out rainbow trout!


1 comment:

Bekah Boo said...

LOVE this card!!!! And that cobbler receipe... YUM-O!