Saturday, July 16, 2011

Uh Mom... A little help here please?

I love Miles for so many reasons. He is adorable for starters. The day he was born, I knew I was doomed. If the child knew how much power he had over me, he would probably eat chocolate and lattes and marshmallows everyday, all day. But I don't let him see that side of me... ever. Ok- sometimes I do.And on those days he has the craziest sugar high anyone has ever seen.

But one of the things that I love the most about him is that he's hilarious! He cracks me up every single day. Today he told Keith a joke. I happened to over hear it and I definitely laughed.

(Miles) Hey Dad, can I ask you a question?
(Keith) Sure Buddy, what's up?
(Miles) Why does the shark live in the ocean?
(Keith) I don't know, why does a shark live in the ocean?
(Miles) Because he wanted to swim with all the other fish's- isn't that
silly Dada?
(Keith) Was that a joke?
(Miles) Yep! Did you like that Dada?
(Keith) Yes! Yes, I liked thatjoke very much buddy!

The other day I was upstairs and all of a sudden I hear Miles say "Uh Mom.... a little help here please?" And when I walked down the stairs I foundhim lying underneath the baby gate! I asked what happened, and he said he didn't know! I asked if he was ok, and he said "yeah" so I ran back up the stairs and grabbed my camera. It was just TOO funny to not take a photo.

I mentioned the other day about how Miles is dropping in at skate park! He is chomping at the bit to get back out there too! As soon as we have some sunshine were going to get him back out there! He is so cute riding around on his little strider bike.

The joy I receive watching my little man, who once upon a time couldn't even hold his head up by himself, is sitting on a bike, riding faster then this mama's heart can handle at times. They grow up so so fast. I will forever cherish my little man.

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