Friday, July 22, 2011

Redmond Derby Days 2011

This year we missed the parade portion of Redmond Derby Days because we went to a birthday party instead. However, we were able to go after the party and after naps were taken. It was a sunny wonderful afternoon! Last year Maxwell was 2 weeks old when we went to Derby Days. It's amazing how fast time flies!

For comparisons sake. Here is Maxwell last year at Derby Days:

And here he is this year. Look at that cute little smirk! :)

Here's Miles this year... having fun at the water fountain!

My Boys & I on the firetruck. Were firetruck fans around here.

And another one of the boys and I.

And, of course, you can't just see a firetruck from the outside. You have to get in the drivers seat!

I asked Miles the other day what he wants to be when he grows up. He said he wants to drive a firetruck! And I said "Oh, you want to be a fireman?" And he gently corrected me and said "no I want to DRIVE a firetruck to daddy's work, and I want to work with daddy, and bring all my tools with me." LOL... Ok then! :) It made my heart smile.

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