Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sara Mack

Below is a picture of Sara and I from last week. She and her husband Tim live in Pennsylvania. We love them a lot. We miss them a lot. And we pray that some day we will live closer to each other. But until that day we will continue traveling all across the United States to see each other. Tim & Sara are our forever friends. We will pick up, right where we left off. I realized when they were here about a week ago, that my heart aches for their friendship more when they are around- then when they aren't here. It's like a reminder of just how good we had it with them in our daily lives. And so. We press on. We continue following Jesus as best we can. And we try to cherish the moments we have together instead of linger on how much we miss them. We are blessed beyond words to know them and to call them dear to us.
Sara also happens to be a very gifted photographer. I think she just started taking photos with a super duper cool camera. But she is awesome at everything she does. So it should be no surprise at all- that her photos turned out ultra cool. :)
This is a photo of my little man Maxwell's feet. It is also the photo I have as my header on this blog. Yeah- she's THAT good!

Family photo! This is the best one of the pack! Miles looks especially adorable! He rarely hams it up for the camera! But look at that sweet sweet face!

And then like most toddlers, Miles saw an airplane, and that was the end of a wonderful photo shoot. I still love this one though. Welcome to real life. :)
My sweet family.

1 comment:

Sara Mack said...

Thank you dear friend. Tim and I emphatically day "ditto"! It was so so good to spend time with you and Keith and to get today know those little ones of yours. We were just laughing about this comment from Miles "I like Tim because he has wild hair like me!"