Friday, July 15, 2011

Who needs facebook when you have Pinterest!

Ok- my friend Becky introduced me to Pinterest. It is this website where you can catalogue cool ideas, share cool ideas, and generally spend a ridiculous amount of time browsing.

This site has made me want to scrapbook again. (Which I haven't been doing due to the fact that my Cricut is on loan to a friend at the moment) and it is making me want to learn how to sew, and knit, and paint, and I really want to learn how to make paper flowers. It has some awesome decorating ideas for our house, and for the boys room. When Keith & I move to a new house, I will be getting all my ideas for redecorating from this very website. I also found some fun dresses that people sewed and posted or "pinned" that I would actually pay $ for. :) It is a beautiful collaboration of everything I love.

Here are a few photos of things I found on Pinterest, that I would love to incorporate in some way into my current house, or in our new house, whenever that happens.

I just love this room for so many reasons.

A fun room- if we have a play room some day I would try something like this!

The leaves are made of paper! Super easy!

I know this painting is harder then it looks, but I could give it a try!

This is a regular dresser, with spice racks attached to the ends for storage and a book case. Who woulda thunk it! :)

And now you can see why I have spent hours since last night checking out this site! And when the boys nap this afternoon... you can bet your bottom dollar... I will be on pinterest.

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