Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yesterdays Adventures

I have been thinking about blogging about my scrapping days. I like to read blogs and see pictures of others who like to scrap as well. Over Christmas my husbands mother gave me a Cricut. I have been having so much fun with this machine and am so thankful to have it! It REALLY enhances my scrap book pages!

Yesterday I had a couple of interrupted hours to work on my youngest, Maxwell's, scrap book. I finished up Miles' 3rd year scrap book (Age 2-3) and want to get caught up on Maxwell's before starting in on Miles' new book.
Here is what I managed to get done between Miles' pooping in the middle of his nap, Maxwell crying off and on during his nap and then waking 1 hour earlier then I expected. I even managed to finish it up while Max was awake. That was a task in and of itself since Maxwell has been super clingy lately!
But look at his sweet little face as he's swaddled! He LOVED his swaddle when he was 3 months old! He's 7 months now and hasn't need it for nearly a month. Sniff sniff... he's growing up too fast!

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