Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary!

This past weekend Keith & I celebrated 10 years of marriage! It is shocking how much has changed! How much WE have changed! I am so thankful that Keith & I have grown TOGETHER as we matured. We married very young! He was 20 & I had just turned 21 2 weeks before our wedding! Jesus grace has been all over us as we figured out what it meant to be married, & to love each other no matter what!

I pray that the next 10 years are better then the first 10! And that is a lot to ask because the first 10 were absolutely amazing and beautiful!

Keith organized our anniversary date & he did an awesome job! We went into Seattle & ate at The Melting Pot! Man oh man... is that restaurant amazing! I absolutely loved it! After that we stayed overnight at The Maxwell Hotel. (Fitting huh?) On Saturday morning we didn't get out of bed until 9:00, we went out for breakfast, and by 11:00 we were back in the hotel room, back in bed, watching The Food Network! We don't have cable, so this was a fun thing to do! We had to check out at 1pm, so we laid in bed until 12:45, checked out & headed home to our wonderful boys. (I missed them!) It was fun, relaxing and very much needed!

And just for fun, here are some photos from the past year! 2010-2011 has been good to us!

Thanksgiving 2010

Christmas 2o10!

Winter 2011

Spring 2011

Easter 2011

Summer 2011

Camping August 2011

Septmeber 2011- 10 years!

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