Monday, September 19, 2011


Sometimes life just down right gets crazy!

Last week, and this past weekend has been one of those time! And this week is shaping up to be similar.

Saturday was my 31st birthday! I wasn't feeling 100% but the day was relaxed and good anyhow! Keith sent me off on my own to shop for fall boots. I found a great pair of boots and a couple other things! After the kiddos went to bed we made a yummy shrimp & pasta dinner and settled in for a movie. I ended up falling asleep about 3 seconds into the movie. For those of you who know me well, know that this isn't all that uncommon for me! I remember when Keith & I were dating I would fall asleep in the movie theatres and it would drive Keith crazy! (Money, NOT well spent! Ha ha ha!) So I told him that if he wants to take me to the movies, it's better to take me a movie that starts no later then 7pm and a matinee is an even better idea.

It was a fun an relaxed day and I am thankful to have a hubby who knows exactly what I need and want! Oh- and a shout out to Keith too. He cleaned the bathrooms while I was gone! Isn't he awesome?!? I say YES!

This morning I had some good news at my physical therapy appointment! My therapist told me I can do a 10 minute, 30 second interval run. (Which is basically, running the whole time) and if my hip feels good after that run then my next run I am allowed to run up to 3 miles with out stopping! I am super excited and suspect my hip will be just fine. It has been feeling really well for the past couple weeks!

This weekend Maxwell turned 15 months old! I can't believe my stinky butt is getting so big.

The photo to the right is Max & I on Sunday. He is such a handsome man isn't he? (See above.)

This morning I took the boys on a walk. Miles rode his bike and Max was just happy to get out of the house!

Seriously people. I have the cutest boys ever.

Then we happened upon these beautiful flowers that someone had planted in a potted garden. Is that what you call a garden that is all pots? A potted garden? I don't know. But you get what I mean right? Anyhow- aren't the colors just amazing???

The boys really loved the flowers too! Maxwell wanted to pull at them and eat them. But I managed to keep him far enough away from them so he could just BARELY touch them. He didn't seem to mind though!

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