Thursday, September 8, 2011


Please don't judge me by thinking that my Maxwell is the absolute cutest little 14 1/2 month old on the planet. I mean... look at his face, and his frizzy yellow hair and his big brown eyes... and those cheeks! By goodness gracious, those cheeks! I chomp on them all the time, giving him the slobber-iest kisses ever on the planet. One day he won't let me do that, so I have to get it in while I can!

Maxwell is turning into quite the little toddler these days. He still isn't walking (not that I mind at all, and he seems to not be in a rush either!) But he is standing up like a champ, with out holding on to anything, and he goes from sitting to standing, and standing to sitting with out any help.

I try every once in awhile (ok, like a bazillion times a day to be honest) to get him to walk to me. But he thinks it's a game. He will either lunge forward and face plant into either A) Me or B) the floor. Or he will look at you with a little sparkle in his eye, pretend that he's going to walk to you, and then fall to the floor and crawl over to you while snorting... it's really cute, and I can't help but laugh! I suppose that is why he keeps doing it!

This past weekend Maxwell decided he wanted to say "Veggie Tales." I authenticated his "veggie tales" words by having him say it for a few friends.

I didn't want to be one of those Moms that is like

"hey, my kid can say supercalafragalisticexbealadoshesh"
and then my kid says "goo goo gah gah"
and I'm like "did you hear it?"
And my friends nod their heads and say "yeah!"
but in their minds their thinking I am lost my mind!

So.... I had a couple of my friend listen, and they said that he did in deed say, Veggie Tales. It is cute, and amazing... and a little bizarre since the only other words he has are "Mama" "Dada" "Ada" (Which means all done) and "ma" (with means more.) And only reason I know that ada and ma mean more and all done is because he signs them to me and says them at the same time.

ANYHOW... the other bizarre thing that he does is hum the tune to the Veggie Tales them song. Not the whole song, but the part where they say "Veggie Tales" like 4 times in a row.

As a matter of fact, he was up at 2am last night practicing.

(Please note, the photos in this post were brought to you by Jennifer McCully.)

The end.

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