Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's been awhile!

Wow! Sorry, it has been awhile since I last wrote! I like to try and write at least once a week! But I see it has been a whole month since I last wrote! It's not for lack of content, that's for sure!

Since I last write to you the following things have happened:

The Ellen show started up again. She's hilarious.

Steve Jobs died. I almost shed a tear. But I managed to hold it together. Just made me so sad that he didn't beat cancer. Too many people battling and losing to this awful disease.

I learned how to make an infiniti scarf using old t-shirts that I had laying around the house.

We had a not so welcome house guest by the name of "that stupid mouse is making noise again at 1am." We think we caught the thing, or at least injured it enough that it doesn't want to come back. I like to think that the thing looked like this...

Maxwell started walking! And... he falls a lot. And not this little light fall either. The child either falls with a thump or face plants into the pavement. We've had our share of scrapes and bruises on this child over the past month. Check out his busted up lip!

And a cute one of him walking:

We went to a pumpking patch with some friends- that was a lot of fun! '

And Keith and Miles went on a boat ride!

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