Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Hey ya'll. Yes, I know. It's been awhile! I have found myself to be very busy these days! Between preparing and teaching preschool, managing the house, and raising two little boys, I find very little time to sit down and blog. As a matter of fact, right now I should be organizing my pantry, followed by cleaning out my fridge, followed by cleaning my oven. (It's kitchen cleaning day, can you tell?) But my coffee is getting cold, and if I don't sit down and relax a bit, then I will have to warm it up in the microwave (which also needs to be cleaned) and I just don't think coffee tastes as great coming from the microwave. :) Seriously.

I don't even know when I last wrote to you all. But I know it's been awhile. So I will just update you on the latest and greatest.

Maxwell- Cute little thing... got into a fight with the windowsill... and the windowsill won:

Other then his black eye he has been cranky, teething and pooping up a storm. He is also very expressive and knows exactly what he wants, but doesn't have all the tools he needs yet to tell us! (Like... you know... that little thing called "words.") He signs some things and I am teaching him some more. But it's still tough! I will be happy when he starts talking so we have less whining going on in this house!

He is a sweetheart though. He will stop playing just to come over to me and give me a hug and kiss. And when he hurts himself he wants a kiss smack on his lips regardless of where he hurt himself. Seriously adorable. He melts my heart with his kisses, hugs and affection!

Miles- This child is becoming more and more of a little man every day! He learned just this morning how to make his bed! He gets himself dressed and is pretty self sufficient. It is great to see him learning all these new things. But is also tough on me to see him growing up right before my eyes! He is getting over a cold right now and has been kind of miserable. But hopefully were on the tale end of that! Recently we went to the Seattle Car Show and Miles has his eyes set on this yellow car. He was very excited to see it up close!

He also decided to give us the peace sign in front of several cars. :) It was awesome.

I guess I will end with this. I love my little mister. He brings me more joy then I can express in words. See????

And my sweet husband Keith. He is awesome. The best husband and best father to my boys. I love him more and more every day!!! I am so incredibly blessed by him. He is my sunshine.

Tomorrow... a post on what I have been up to. :)

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