Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Jackson was born on a snowy Friday: March 22nd via c-section at 7:39am. He was 6 pounds 14 ounces and 18.9 inches long. 

The whole story: 

I had a feeling (and many physical signs) that Jackson would be here early. As much as I did not want to go into labor knowing that a c-section was at the end, I also was very ready to have Jackson and be done with this pregnancy. I wanted him to be healthy above all, so if it meant making it to my scheduled c-section date of April 1st, then that was how it would be. But really, and in all honesty, I was just tired of being pregnant and anxious to have my little man in my arms. 

Thursday night, March 21st around 8pm I had my usual "evening" contractions. Every night since around 33 weeks pregnant I would have uncomfortable contractions for about 2 hours, 15-20 minutes apart. They would always subside, so when it happened as normal on that evening I didn't think anything of it. 

Keith and I went to bed around 10:00 and every once in awhile I would wake up to a contraction. Around 2:00am the following morning they started keeping me awake and becoming intense and time-able. I was pretty sure I was in labor, but didn't want to wake up Keith because I knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. 

I timed my contractions from 2:00 - 3:00 and they were about 8 minutes apart. Around 3:00 they moved to 5-8 minutes apart. 

Around 5:00 they moved to being 3-5 minutes apart and VERY intense, so I decided to wake Keith up, knowing that I was most likely in labor. And we called the hospital and our good friend Becky so she could watch the boys. 

Becky was here around 5:30am and we headed to the hospital. I remember her coming in the door and I was in the middle of a contraction, curled up on my bed and thinking about how messy my house was. I also remember getting up after the contraction, making it about 5 feet and another contraction hitting me. Once that contraction ended, I hit the wall with my hand, and said "lets get this show in the road!" And then I felt bad, because the wall I hit was our shared wall with our neighbors and I didn't want to wake them up. :) It's funny the things you think about when you're in labor! 

Around 6:00am we made it to the hospital and they admitted me. The prep for the c-section was a little intense. They couldn't get an IV in me and tried 4 times. (Which means poking me 8 times to get an IV- OUCH!) Then on top of that, they needed to draw my blood, so it was a total of 9 times with in 15 minutes. It was NOT fun. But it didn't hurt as bad as the contractions I was having. 

The easiest part was the spinal. I remember seeing the dude who would give me my spinal and feeling relieved because he was the same guy who gave me my spinal with Maxwell & my epidural with Miles. So I felt so confident in his abilities. He did a GREAT job and I was numbed up in no time! 

The surgery started around 7:15, Jack was born at 7:39 and I was back in recovery by 8:15! It all went very well, Jackson was healthy and perfect and Keith & I were ready to get to know our littlest man! 

A couple hours later the boys were able to meet J for the first time. 

Jackson is now 5 weeks old. He is doing great! He has some reflux issues, but nothing serious enough to medicate him. (And I am praying we don't need to at any point, like we did with Miles & Maxwell!) He was sleeping 4 hours between feedings at night, but the last 2 nights he's been up every 3 hours. I hope it's just a growth spurt! 

Here he is at 1 week old: 

2 weeks: 

3 weeks: 

4 weeks: 

5 weeks: 

Later this week I will write about the transition from 2 kids to 3. It is challenging, and tough. But amazing and awesome all at the same time. 

Until then...

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