Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The things kids do

When I become pregnant I usually join a babycenter.com forum so I can chat with other moms-to-be about what they are experiencing. Some of the women I chatted with when I was pregnant with Miles I STILL chat with today and consider them friends, even though I have never met them in person!

Anyhow- on this chat board some one created a post asking moms who have children already to post pictures of things their kids have done that made you laugh, cry, melt your heart etc. I found that I have a HUGE amount of photos that fit into that category... and I thought I would share it with you all! :)


Your kids will...

Want to wear face paint, even when it's not halloween:

Make silly faces when the camera comes out:

Fall asleep on you even when it's over 100 degrees outside:

Put things on their heads for no reason at all:

Make silly faces in the mirror:

(Ladies... look at your man, now look at me, now look at your man... I'm on a horse)

You will take them in public with bed head and stained shirts:

They will throw dirt on their heads because it's fun:

Again... they will put things on their heads just because:

They will get sick and break your heart when they feel so yucky:

They will make friends that they will have forever at a younger age then you expect:

When they are quiet it means they are making a mess... trust me on this one:

Watching them experience snow for the first time makes you feel like you're experiencing it for the first time too:

Big brother giving little brother some toys to play with doesn't always turn out the way you envision:

They will make you love Christmas even more then you thought you could:

You will always remember the first BIG boo boo that they get: '

They will melt your heart:

They will sleep in random places:

They will want to help daddy:

They think bath time is play time... win. win. win.

They will use whatever they can find for teething toys...

They will have bad days... just like we do.

They will make you laugh... "Mom... a little help here????"

They  may, or may not, like their first birthday cake:

They will get into things they aren't supposed to... like glass cups... which shatter upon throwing them on the floor... Miles found this out one day...

If you have boys, they will wrestle... and it starts younger then you would expect:

I hope you enjoyed a little sneak peak into my life!


Beth King said...

I LOVE the wrestling pic... to cute!

Jen McCully said...

Okay, I don't know if I must have missed this or what, but I'm finally reading it - and I'm LOVING the pictures (and their hilarious captions - especially the Old Spice reference)...Love you sista!