Monday, September 24, 2012

FAMILY Vacation

We took the  very first Weaver vacation last week! We headed to the Oregon Coast to a tiny little town call Neskowin. It's not very well known- which was part of the appeal to us! It's white sandy beaches were almost desolate. It was just us most days, except at sunset when the dog walkers and love birds would make their way onto the beach for an evening stroll. 

I felt sick for most of our vacation, which was a MAJOR bummer. But, I had a great time regardless. If you're going to feel crumby, you mine-as-well have a beautiful  view of the ocean to stare at, right? 

I will leave you with photos... ENJOY! 

Maxwells way to wear sunglasses. :) 

Happy Boy! 

Proposal Rock

Keith and the boys

Me and my boys

Keith and Miles watching the waves

I don't usually have flattering pictures of me when I am pregnant... but this one isn't so bad. 

Getting hugs and snuggles from the littlest

We visited Tillimook Cheese Factory one of the days

Tillamook Cheese= YUM!

My crazy boys!

My little clan

Tillamook Forest Center

Keith and Miles were acting like "mean firefighters" 

Miles the firefighter!

Monkey see, monkey do

Sweet boys

Miles 5 years old! And sweeter then skittles.

Giving mom a pose. :) 

Maxwell loves his mama! 

Smiles from Mr. Max! 

My buddy! 

Maxwell Koen

Milesy Bug! My handsome man! 

Miles Timothy

My buddies

Maxwell and Miles

Maxwell and Miles

Oh... and we cut the boys hair... it was getting outta control! 

1 comment:

Jenny said...

so cute! it looks like you guys had a great time together.