Monday, September 24, 2012

FAMILY Vacation

We took the  very first Weaver vacation last week! We headed to the Oregon Coast to a tiny little town call Neskowin. It's not very well known- which was part of the appeal to us! It's white sandy beaches were almost desolate. It was just us most days, except at sunset when the dog walkers and love birds would make their way onto the beach for an evening stroll. 

I felt sick for most of our vacation, which was a MAJOR bummer. But, I had a great time regardless. If you're going to feel crumby, you mine-as-well have a beautiful  view of the ocean to stare at, right? 

I will leave you with photos... ENJOY! 

Maxwells way to wear sunglasses. :) 

Happy Boy! 

Proposal Rock

Keith and the boys

Me and my boys

Keith and Miles watching the waves

I don't usually have flattering pictures of me when I am pregnant... but this one isn't so bad. 

Getting hugs and snuggles from the littlest

We visited Tillimook Cheese Factory one of the days

Tillamook Cheese= YUM!

My crazy boys!

My little clan

Tillamook Forest Center

Keith and Miles were acting like "mean firefighters" 

Miles the firefighter!

Monkey see, monkey do

Sweet boys

Miles 5 years old! And sweeter then skittles.

Giving mom a pose. :) 

Maxwell loves his mama! 

Smiles from Mr. Max! 

My buddy! 

Maxwell Koen

Milesy Bug! My handsome man! 

Miles Timothy

My buddies

Maxwell and Miles

Maxwell and Miles

Oh... and we cut the boys hair... it was getting outta control! 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

OH BABY! (And) My Baby turns 5!

A BIG congratulations to Jon and Brenda on the birth of their sweet baby boy Atlas Hamilton! And to Kati & Curtis who gave birth to their amazingly beautiful little girl Liviya! I remember so well the amazing feeling you have after giving birth to a child. The smell of a baby fresh out of the womb. Their wrinkly soft skin, and with my boys, their heads FULL of dark hair! I could breath in the new baby smell for ever and ever.

Seeing photos of little Atlas & Liviya gets me excited for our little bundle of joy. I have 7 months of waiting to do. I am thankful for those 7 months however. Mostly because I have a certain 2 year old who needs some MAJOR help with clinginess, sharing and how to properly use his vocal chords. (He is a screamer like no one I have ever encountered before!) He is very possessive of me, and his toys anything that he "thinks" should be his. The 7 months will go by fast, I am sure of it! And I have hope that my little dude will have better manners by the time the baby comes.

When we talk about the new baby Maxwell gets really excited and talks about giving the baby kisses and how he is going to love the baby. He is a very affectionate little guy, so I know that his new little brother or sister is going to be loved by him!

Today marks 10 weeks of pregnancy! Yay! I made it into the double digits baby! I have been dealing with some morning sickness, but it's still not as terrible as it was with the boys. I am so thankful to God that he is sustaining me as I go through this part of pregnancy! I know that he will continue to do so as I will  face different physical challenges as the pregnancy goes along. For now, I will take it a day at a time, and trust Jesus whether I feel terrible or awesome.

My sweet Miles, first  born son... beautiful one... turned 5 on Tuesday!!!! Keith and I officially feel old... now that we have a 5 year old. The best part is that Miles keeps saying things like:
 "I can jump higher now that I am 5!"
"I can run faster now that I am 5!"
"Mom! Can you see how big my hands are now that I am 5!?"
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this age. He is learning his independence. But yet relies on me for many things... like hugging him when he feels sad or hurt and praying for him when he's having a tough day. He is learning that he loves being affectionate- and gives me random hugs and kisses and tells me he loves me. He requests nightly back rubs from me as I sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "You Are My Sunshine" two times through. :) Some day he won't want me to do that anymore, so I am cherishing it as long as he lets me.

This is Miles' last year at home with me before he starts Kindergarten. I pray that it goes SLOW. But I know that it will go quickly and before we know it I will be sending him off to his first day of school! Until then I hope I take advantage of every day I have with him at home.

I'm 5! 


Blowing out his birthday candles. 

Happy Birthday to my sweet first son. I love you more and more every single day! You are such a JOY to me. May your next year be filled with lots of fun, memory making, and learning and growing! (But not too fast on that growing part, ok buddy?)