Thursday, August 23, 2012

Did I mention I have a bummed hip?

One of the things that I will be dealing with during this pregnancy, that I did not deal with during Miles & Maxwell's pregnancies is that I have a labral tear in my hip. Two surgeons and my sports medicine doctor recommended that I have surgery to repair it.

But instead... I'm having a baby! :)

I remember writing in my journal (before knowing I was pregnant, and before knowing for sure that I would need surgery) that if I'm gonna have surgery I want a baby at the end, not a bummed hip!

My surgeon has never watched someone go through being pregnant with this injury, so it will be interesting to see how this goes. I may need to have physical therapy as I get bigger and more and more pressure will be put on my hips. But we are taking it a day at a time!

I am doing my best to stay active and to work out through out this pregnancy. I was SO sick with the boys that the thought of even walking sent me to the bathroom. But if I can keep my legs and core strong then I am hoping to avoid physical therapy and dealing with any pain related to the weight gain and pressure on my hips.

I will say however that I am feeling rather gross and yucky at the moment. I called in for some zofran from my doctors and will get that picked up this evening. I am bummed that it has come to this. But I know that it will be for my best so that I can actually take care of the boys and my house.

God is so good- and has been so faithful to me. I love that I am pregnant right now and I have fallen in love with the little human inside of me. Nausea is such a small price to pay for the gift of having another baby. But I wouldn't mind if feeling sick went away either. :)

I will leave you with a few recent pictures of my stinky little boys. I sure do adore them.

My sweet almost 5 year old. 

Miles when we saw the Blue Angels perform! 

Captain Adorable. (Mr. Maxwell) 

This kid is so cute! I can't even handle it some days! He is very affectionate and gives me hugs and kisses and says "I dove oo" randomly, and frequently! He is also very loud and screams a lot. But were working on that. ;) 

1 comment:

Keli Martin said...

I can't believe Miles is almost 5 years old! Wasn't it just yesterday that you were feeding him in his high chair?!